Wednesday 4 November 2020

Li stresses key role of innovation

Premier Li Keqiang visits Origin Dynamics Intelligent Robot Co Ltd, a company focusing on research and development, during an inspection tour of Zhengzhou, Henan province, on Tuesday. (PHOTO/GOV.CN)

Premier calls for Henan to harness its competitive edge in talents

Premier Li Keqiang underscored the importance of fundamental science in fostering groundbreaking innovations and pushing forward a new type of industrialization during an inspection trip to Henan province on Tuesday and Wednesday.

It is more than necessary for China, with its huge market, to press ahead with integrated innovation and innovation for application purposes, the premier said as he visited Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital.

At Origin Dynamics Intelligent Robot Co Ltd, Li learned about the company’s research and development of sensors and decelerators.

Algorithms play a key role in powering the research and development of robotics, while mathematics is essential to the development of algorithms, he said.

He urged the country’s researchers to stay patient, refrain from taking shortcuts and strengthen the discipline of mathematics with strong commitment.

Henan, as one of China’s most populous provincial areas, must harness its competitive edge in its talent pool, make itself a top attraction for talents and play a more important role in facilitating the rise of central regions, he said.

Li made the visit a week after the conclusion of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which adopted a proposed blueprint for economic and social development in the next five years. The blueprint stressed the core status of innovation in the nation’s overall modernization drive.

The premier visited Sanquan Food Co Ltd, one of China’s largest producers of fast-frozen food, and encouraged it to ensure the safety, quality and fine taste of its products.

He pledged continuous steps to ensure the efficacy and consistency of policies that stabilize jobs, safeguard people’s livelihoods and help market players, as part of the nation’s broader efforts to attain the goal of positive economic growth this year and lay a solid foundation for growth in the near future.

In a wheat field in Anyang, Li checked the condition of the soil and spoke with farmers and agrotechnology workers.

As China is set to achieve another bumper grain harvest this year, more work must be done to refine grain varieties and improve the quality of produce while continuing to increase grain output, he said.

It is important to proactively push forward the modernization of the agricultural sector and encourage agricultural operations of various forms, he said, adding that the aspirations of farmers must be fully respected during this process.

The premier visited Zheng Wenyi, a 60-year-old Anyang resident who was relocated to an affordable housing program from a shantytown area two years ago.

Affordable housing programs are important ways to improve the living conditions of the country’s low and middle-income group, and it is important to ensure their construction quality and their distribution in a fair and transparent manner, he said.

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Digital pollution: why creative quantity shouldn’t mean worse quality

Marketers are creating more content than ever and investing more ad spend into digital to capitalise on the growing time spent on digital media. However, adapting creative to digital at speed has driven digital pollution on to the internet because marketers have seen it as an afterthought, according to Ad-Lib Digital.

Ahead of a panel at The Drum’s Digital Summit, where top industry minds from brand, agency and tech answer crowd-sourced questions on creativity, we catch up with Ad-Lib creative director Patrick Collister who talks to us about digital pollution and what can be done to limit its impact.

What are the biggest challenges to creativity at scale?

”For most marketers, digital is still an afterthought, with too many still spending most of their time and energy on above the line, only to adapt and push assets into digital afterwards. This is a real problem given that digital is now set to account for 50-60% of ad spend in many markets.

”As privacy and targeting policies bite, such as Apple and Google deprecating third-party cookies, marketers need to stop being so lazy, spraying their audiences freely with little thought for the user experience.”

What is digital pollution and why should brands be worried about it?

”Pollution is when you don’t care for the environment when there is too little or no regulation to preserve the ecosystem. Looking at the web today, with ever-declining benchmark response rates and such widespread use of adblockers, tells us something is wrong with the ads we are serving to consumers.

”Digital pollution is a result of efforts to produce a quantity of message with no thought for the quality. These two are not mutually exclusive.

”We should be concerned and make every effort to address this. In polls in the UK, advertisers as a profession are said to be less well regarded than our current politicians with an undeniable track record of lies.

”At Ad-Lib, we believe quality of advertising is possible with quantity/scale required.”

Can tech help or hinder the situation?

”Technology is both the cause of the problem, but also can create the solution.

”Technology can really help improve creativity – by enabling creative minds to provide richer more interesting experiences and relieving the time and effort required in production, deployment and delivery.”

How can brands start to get the right balance between creativity and automation?

”If the ads are relevant and interesting, consumers will engage. At Ad-Lib, we really care about creativity and are applying our technologies to show that better creative works better.”

What can we expect to see for this topic in 2021?

”Next year we can expect to see digital ad spend bounce back, as the impact of Covid wains and with that we hope to see a greater appreciation for the quality of the message.

”Coca-Cola, one of our clients, took a moratorium on its digital advertising going into Covid, relaunching at scale with a greater focus on interesting and contextually relevant messaging as the lockdowns across Europe were eased in the summer. We’ve seen this have a great positive effect – and hope to see much more emphasis across advertisers.”

Register now for The Drum’s Digital Summit and our Creative Clinic, where crowd-sourced questions on creativity will be answered by Rupert Privett, APAC lead at Ad-Lib Digital; Uma Reade, head of creative lab, international and CBT markets at Paypal; Pratik Thakar, creative content, connections and design excellence at Coca-Cola; and Vincent Niou, associate vice-president of programmatic and data strategy at Essence APAC. The session goes live at 2pm Singapore time (SGT) on Monday 9 November.

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

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Does SEO Still Matter for Retailers in 2020?

Search Engine Optimisation, better known as SEO, has been one of the key tools for eTailers who wish to increase their organic growth online. In this unprecedented online boom across the last 12 months, the need for a robust and scalable online platform is critical. But what about SEO? We asked a series of e-commerce and SEO specialists about the future of SEO and how to make it work for your business in 2020 and beyond. 

Matt Antonino, Head of Traffic at Easy Weddings: “According to a popular recent survey, 68 percent of all online experiences begin with a search engine and 53 percent of all website traffic comes from organic search. When you consider that SEO drives more than 10 times the traffic of social media, it’s clear that SEO is still here and still here to stay for a long while.

“SEO for 2021 will look much different than it currently does and SEO professionals are preparing for the changes. Google introduced a new set of metrics related to site speed, responsiveness and stability called Core Web Vitals. These metrics are not currently part of the search algorithm but are expected to play a big role in the coming years. Google intended to roll out these changes in 2020 but after COVID struck, decided to let website owners focus on their more important response to the crisis and pushed back Core Web Vitals and algorithm changes to 2021.”

Matt Bassos, SEO Lead at Vuly Play: “SEO is still and will continue to be an integral part of digital marketing now and in the future. The prevalence of search and securing vital organic traffic from the web is crucial for small and large businesses alike.

“In many ways, SEO has expanded and fused with other elements of marketing. From brand reputation and content strategy to audience analysis and building business relationships – all these factors drive SEO to achieve organic visibility in search results. This makes SEO important as it can effectively drive the first touchpoint a potential customer with high commercial intent based on what they search for.

“Moving forward into 2021, Google and similar search engines will continue with AI learning to establish business entities. These entities will be rewarded based on their authority within a particular industry, as well as their recognized trustworthiness. Search engines want to put the best results in front of a user, so future SEO will continue in brand development. This includes leveraging reviews, developing a social media presence, and formulation a content strategy that satisfies search intent of a businesses’ core audience.”

Daniel Caughill, The Dog Tale: “SEO is still very relevant in 2020, it just looks a little different than it did five years ago. The old tactics are still important: keywords, backlinks, page speed—all of it. But each of those factors plays second fiddle to producing excellent content that really understands the searcher’s intent. Search engines have become incredibly adept at understanding exactly what searchers are looking for, so you need to produce more thorough and tightly focused content to do well in moving forward.”

Peter Thaleikis, Software Engineer and Maker at Bring Your Own Ideas: “Social media is getting less and less effective and businesses are focusing more on their websites again. Google is facing an ever-increasing amount of websites, blogs, and other forms of content. All this content needs to be crawled, indexed, and validated against the ranking algorithm. This is an often underestimated task that takes massive resources and explains Google’s constantly increasing requirements for websites.

“With every algorithm change, marketers worry about their sites dropping out of the results. The fundamentals of search engine marketing: Build good websites with great content and you will rank remains true though. And this is exactly what is to recommend to rank in 2021 and beyond: invest in one amazing blog post per month instead of four average posts each week.

“Pay attention to the keywords your website is already ranking for using Google Search Console or a suitable tool and focus on one keyword while creating a unique new piece of content. Original content almost always out-ranks topics covered widely already.”

Oliver Andrews, Owner at OA Design Services: “SEO is more important than ever! It remains one of the most powerful digital marketing strategies that generate long-term results. You need the correct techniques. It’s important to understand where your audience is interacting with content like yours and to make sure you’re ranking on those discovery engines. This means that creating high-quality, deep, and meaningful content has never been more important to users, but you also need to think about the structure of the information.”

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Data science pathway prepares radiology residents for machine learning

Data science pathway prepares radiology residents for machine learning
Individual AI-ML Projects from the DSP. Each trainee contributed to design, data curation and model development of individual projects including hemorrhage detection on CT (A), abdominal body composition (B), and lumbar spine segmentation and stenosis assessment (C). Credit: Radiological Society of North America

A recently developed data science pathway for fourth-year radiology residents will help prepare the next generation of radiologists to lead the way into the era of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI-ML), according to a special report published in Radiology: Artificial Intelligence.

AI-ML has the potential to transform medicine by delivering better and more efficient healthcare. Applications in radiology are already arriving at a staggering rate. Yet organized AI-ML curricula are limited to a few institutions and formal training opportunities are lacking.

Three senior radiology residents at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston recently helped devise a data science pathway to provide a well-rounded introductory experience in AI-ML for fourth-year residents. The pathway combines formal instruction with practical problem-solving in collaboration with data scientists.

“Across the nation there are a number of radiology residency programs that are trying to figure out how to integrate AI into their training,” said the paper’s co-lead author Walter F. Wiggins, M.D., Ph.D. “We thought that perhaps our experience would help other programs figure out ways to integrate this type of training into either their elective pathways or their more general residency curriculum.”

The pathway provides an immersion into AI-ML through a flexible schedule of educational, experiential and research activities at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & BWH Center for Clinical Data Science (CCDS). Dr. Wiggins and his resident colleagues, M. Travis Caton, M.D., and Kirti Magudia, M.D., Ph.D., were exposed to all aspects of AI-ML application development, including data curation, model design, quality control and clinical testing. The residents contributed to model and tool development at multiple stages, and their work during the pilot period led to 12 accepted abstracts for presentation at national meetings. Feedback from the pilot project resulted in the establishment of a formal AI-ML curriculum for future residents.

“Radiologists have always had to manage, analyze and process data in order to be able to do their work,” Dr. Wiggins said. “We already have the underlying skill sets and infrastructure that we can tap into to allow residents with an interest in AI and ML to really develop and become leaders in applying these skills clinically.”

The pathway provided ample opportunities for the residents to work directly with data scientists to better understand how they approach image analysis problems with ML tools. This communication, in turn, helped the data scientists better understand how radiologists approach a radiology problem in a clinical setting. The data scientists could be easily implemented in clinical practice.

“An important component of a curriculum like this is to learn the language the data scientists speak and teach them a little bit about the language that we as radiologists speak so that we can have better, more effective collaborations,” Dr. Wiggins said. “Going through that process over several different projects was where I think I gained the best experience throughout all of this.”

Dr. Wiggins credited Katherine Andriole, Ph.D., director of Research Strategy and Operations at the CCDS, and Michael H. Rosenthal, M.D., Ph.D., for their guidance and feedback as mentors of the project.

Earlier this year, Dr. Wiggins accepted a position as clinical director of AI at Duke Radiology in Durham, North Carolina, where he hopes to utilize some of the lessons he learned from the pathway development process.

“I also hope that people from other institutions might read this manuscript and find something useful for integrating into their residency curricula or for developing specialized pathways for informatics and/or data science,” he said.

Rate of radiology resident recognition of non-accidental trauma

More information:
Preparing Radiologists to Lead in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Designing and Implementing a Focused Data Science Pathway for Senior Radiology Residents,

Data science pathway prepares radiology residents for machine learning (2020, November 4)
retrieved 4 November 2020

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Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Ad Hoc Analytics

In the COVID-19 reality, healthcare providers scramble to test and treat patients. They need access to new lab data and they must obtain ongoing input from patients about their symptoms. Some have implemented dashboards that show changes in the conditions of each patient with mild to moderate symptoms through patient self-reporting. When conditions worsen, a virtual consultation is performed. With this information, treatment plans are being rapidly customized. These life-saving activities rely on data and the ability to generate a quick answer to needs and questions that change daily. 

While these operations are growing out of unprecedented healthcare demands of the pandemic, they are not new. In the past decade, this type of data-focused activity, known as ad hoc analytics, has grown considerably. 

Through ad hoc analytics, leading business intelligence (BI) vendors, and an expanding pool of startup companies, have introduced solutions that generate insight to specific questions using relatively straightforward interfaces. What is common to these solutions is that they allow non-technical users, like nurses and physicians, to interact with the data without necessarily knowing database queries or the technical infrastructure underlying their work. 

But another important aspect of ad hoc analytics is that it does not fit well with the common notion of how analytics should develop in a company.


The Linear Vision of Analytics Doesn’t Quite Match Up 

If you are focusing on transitioning your company’s operation toward analytics, you have likely seen some version of Gartner’s analytics ascendency model. It has become somewhat of an axiom in the analytics space. 

The idea is that you start with rudimentary descriptive analytics, which gives you a basic sense of your data by way of descriptive statistics and dashboards. You then progress the analytics operations by engaging at a higher-level with the data with diagnostic analytics. This helps you identify root causes and develop actionable business strategies. Moving forward, using the data and measures developed in the previous stages, you apply statistical models to make predictions that inform your planning. Finally, you reach the most mature type of analytics, one that is both complicated and financially rewarding, by way of algorithms that prescribe optimal courses of action. 

Undoubtedly, there has been a tremendous effort in companies to adopt the idea undergirding this vision of analytics. While never easy (or cheap), developing capabilities along this linear evolution in analytics generally pays off. 

But this notion of analytics ignores other types that often grow outside of the data science area in different parts of the company, like ad hoc analytics. Not paying enough attention may mean that insufficient resources are being directed to these developments. More concerning, insights gained in other parts of the company may be excluded from the analytics objectives of the company. 


Why Ad Hoc Analytics Has a Bad Reputation 

Being removed from the typical data science thinking of analytics, ad hoc analytics is often considered a low-end application — baggage from the old ways of analyzing data haphazardly. 

There is validity to this criticism. Users applying ad hoc analytics often keep the knowledge gained from their work to themselves. For instance, being able to generate dashboards and reports more easily also means that ad hoc analytics can discourage communication between users and the data science team. Therefore, the risk is further removing these otherwise isolated activities from the analytics apparatus of the company. 

Still, by simplifying access to data and insight generation, this method slashes the time it takes to derive insight from data. It also removes significant overhead from the data science team, so that they can focus more closely on the more complex (linear) application in analytics. 

Importantly, ad hoc analytics brings users from different parts of the company closer to working with data and being a contributing part of the analytics apparatus. 

Revisiting the healthcare provider example, for instance: Learning from results collected tentatively by client-facing users that seek to address a difficult challenge, the data science team of a hospital can help predict patient demands and prescribe ways to optimize supplies and staff that can be used in the company during, as well as after, the pandemic.


Implementation Tips 

There are several ways a company can successfully implement ad hoc analytics.

  1. Simplify access to data. The ability to perform ad hoc analytics requires upfront involvement of technical staff to generate queries and connect the BI platform to data assets. Invest time and resources needed to make this work. To benefit even more, implement data lake architecture to ensure that users have transparent, yet secure, access to as many data assets as possible.
  2. Invest in training. You should not expect everyone to become a data scientist (that’s kind of the idea behind ad hoc analytics). But exposing some of the complexities under the hood tends to help staff understand the potential and limitations of what they can do. It brings them closer to the data and helps them communicate better with more linear developments of analytics in the company.
  3. Communicate analytics. Silos suffocate insight and innovation. True, some ad hoc reports are generated to answer a very specific question only one individual can use. But many other examples that arrive from ever-changing needs of staff can affect how you think about your analytics priorities more broadly. It is important to facilitate communication about analytics across units to address those changing priorities, especially with the data science team.
  4. Cultivate analytics liaisons. Identify individuals who are most passionate about data in a department (you can find them during training, for example). Nurture their knowledge in analytics by offering more training, and letting them provide input on the larger, more linear data science pipeline. These invaluable individuals can help their colleagues implement ad hoc analytics and be conduits of knowledge about analytics across the company. 

Ultimately, the more users that partake in data-centered work, the higher appreciation and support they have to investments in data and analytics. And when done properly, both the more linear data science apparatus and the more nonlinear ad hoc analytics can complement each other. 

Read More From Zack KertcherHow to Get Complex Technology Off the Ground in New Communities

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Hitachi Lumada Alliance Partnership with AWS, Cisco, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce Drives Digital Solutions to Global Challenges

Hitachi, Ltd. today announced a new global digital innovation program, the Lumada Alliance Program, that will bring together industry-leading companies in an attempt to leverage technology to solve pressing global business, societal and environmental problems. Initial global members on the Lumada Alliance include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cisco, Google Cloud, Microsoft and Salesforce.

Partners in the Lumada Alliance bring expertise in information technology, operational technology, vertical industries, academia and government to collaborate on digital solutions that deliver economic growth as well as social, environmental and quality of life innovations, according to a statement released by the company.

Lumada Alliance Program: Hitachi, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, AWS, Salesforce Collaboration

The Lumada Alliance Program falls under the umbrella of Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business strategy. Lumada is Hitachi’s advanced digital solutions, services and technologies business unit “for turning data into insights to drive digital innovation,” according to the company. Its purpose, Hitachi said, is to deliver solutions that increase social, environmental and economic value for customers. The Lumada Alliance program’s goals include creating an ecosystem of partners who can collaborate and share ideas, innovation strategies, technologies and relationships to accelerate economic growth and social innovations, according to the statement.

Hitachi aims to create new value, address business, economic and environmental challenges and resolve social issues in the areas of transportation, energy, health and safety, global trade and supply chains and environmental sustainability, the company said.

The new Lumada Alliance will focus on co-creating digital solutions through partnerships with Lumada Alliance members. The solutions will combine Hitachi’s expertise in IT, energy, mobility, smart life and industry-specific vertical market expertise with the capabilities and technologies of Lumada Alliance members, according to Hitachi.

Going forward, Hitachi will continue to expand the program globally through its digital infrastructure and solutions subsidiary Hitachi Vantara, which plays a key role in serving the worldwide Lumada business, according to the statement.

The Lumada Alliance will include three tiers of partners:

  • Solution providers, who develop, integrate and deliver digital solutions
  • Technology partners, who provide advanced products and technologies for use in developing and managing solutions
  • Innovation partners, who provide deep expertise in vertical industries, government and public infrastructure, and research and development.

Hitachi Lumada Alliance: Executive Commentary

Toshiaki Higashihara, president and CEO, Hitachi Ltd.

Hitachi President and CEO Toshiaki Higashihara announced the new program at Hitachi’s annual Social Innovation Forum event, and said:

“This program will allow us to pursue collaborative creation and build a value-generating ecosystem together with all our diverse partners across industry lines, utilizing the technologies, expertise, and ideas.” said Toshiaki Higashihara, president and chief executive officer, Hitachi Ltd. “This will facilitate a further acceleration of the social innovation. I am convinced that this ecosystem initiative can contribute to solving various social issues and improving people’s quality of life, as well as mutual growth. With all our partners who support the vision of this program, we will do our utmost to realize a sustainable and affluent society together.”

The Lumada Alliance will accelerate the convergence of information technology and operational technology, according to Hitachi. As digital technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), smart spaces and edge computing converge with traditional operational and industrial technologies, Hitachi said there’s great potential for digital solutions to deliver increased productivity, connected ecosystems and faster innovation, as well as solve economic inequality, environmental concerns and improve people’s quality of life worldwide.

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

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Sinclair Names John Zeigler Chief Marketing Officer

BALTIMORE, Md.—Sinclair Broadcast Group has hired John Zeigler as its new chief marketing officer. Zeigler will focus on the development of brand marketing strategy for all Sinclair affiliate stations and 21 Regional Sports Networks (RSNs), and assume responsibility for Sinclair’s Promotions, Creative Services and Marketing departments.

In the announcement, Sinclair’s President of Broadcast and Chief Revenue Officer Rob Weisbord said, “John has consistently developed strategic marketing campaigns that led to incredible brand growth across multiple networks. As a pioneer of both creative and marketing strategy within the broadcast industry, Sinclair cannot wait to see what exceptional work John will bring to both our viewers and the Sinclair community. 

Zeigler’s career spans two decades leading creative and marketing strategy for sports news brands. Most recently, he was vice president for the YES Network where he established an in-house creative and marketing agency named YES Creative Group that oversaw on-air branding, digital marketing and strategic initiatives.

Zeigler also held positions with Z Living Network, WGN America and Tribune Creative Group & Turbo Dog Productions. In addition to his leadership roles, he worked in marketing and creative departments for several U.S. local television broadcast markets.

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

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Why Arby's is trying to get back its menu sign from a TikTok user – PR Week

Why Arby’s is trying to get back its menu sign from a TikTok user  PR Week

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

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Digital Transformation In Trucking Industry to Boost the Growth of Truck-as-a-Service Market


Derailing of Jack Ma’s Ant IPO Shows Xi Jinping’s in Charge

(Bloomberg) — China’s move to abruptly halt the world’s biggest stock-market debut sends global investors a clear message: Any financial opening will only be done on terms that benefit President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party.Policy makers in Beijing shocked the investment world on Tuesday by suspending an initial public offering by Ant Group Co., a fintech company owned by billionaire Jack Ma — China’s second-richest man. The decision came just two days before shares were set to trade in a listing that attracted at least $3 trillion of orders from individual investors.The timing of the decision showed once again that for Xi and the party, financial and political stability take precedence over ceding control of the economy — especially to a private company. In Beijing’s view, allowing the IPO to go forward could effectively give Ant too much sway over the financial system, posing broader risks that could ultimately undermine the party’s grip on power.“The party is flexing its muscle,” said Victor Shih, associate professor at UC San Diego and author of “Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation.” “It’s saying to Jack Ma, you are going to have the biggest IPO in the world, but that’s not a big deal for the CCP, which oversees the world’s second-largest economy.”While the party has ample tools to quash political dissidents, local officials have struggled at times to contain outbursts of anger brought on by bread-and-butter issues such as labor disputes, investment fraud, and environmental disasters. To mitigate any threats to the financial system or the party’s authority, Xi’s government has demonstrated over the past decade that it has no problem taking down billionaires and private companies.For foreign investors, the Ant saga has raised questions about the viability of Hong Kong and Shanghai as premium financial centers. That’s particularly so after China last week signaled greater openness in a new five-year plan that put a timeline on moving forward with past promises of allowing greater foreign access and gradually relaxing controls over the yuan and capital flows.Both the sequence and timing of events of the IPO failure will raise doubts among foreign investors about China’s commitment to the kind of transparency needed in modern, open capital markets, said Fraser Howie, author of “Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China’s Extraordinary Rise.”“It sends a number of signals, often conflicting,” Howie said. “Investors must therefore be concerned about the listing process in China, they will be concerned by disclosure, they will be concerned about arbitrary moves on the part of the regulators.”Many analysts saw the move as sensible, even if the timing was disruptive. Chinese regulators said Ant’s business model effectively allowed it to charge higher fees for transactions while state-run banks took on most of the risk. At the same time Ant sought to list, authorities were racing to develop rules that would subject financial holding companies to higher capital requirements. It’s also planning to create a digital yuan, which is part of its push to maintain control over the stability of its payment system.China Securities Regulatory Commission said Wednesday it supported a decision by the Shanghai Stock Exchange to block a “hasty” initial public offering. Changes in fintech industry regulations have a “huge impact” on Ant’s operational structure and profit model, it said in a statement.Ma’s Risky SpeechAt a conference in Shanghai on Oct. 24, Ma blamed global regulators for focusing too much on risk, and criticized China’s own measures for stifling innovation. The remarks came after Vice President Wang Qishan — a Xi confidante — called for a balance between financial innovation and strong regulations to prevent financial risks.“It appeared that, intentionally or not, Ma was openly defying and criticizing the Chinese government’s approach to financial regulation,” Andrew Batson, China research director at Gavekal Research Limited., wrote in a note.Ma’s comments came right before the Communist Party held a key meeting to plan the country’s economy for the next 15 years, bringing the issues of technology, financial stability and economic growth to the top of the national agenda. After it ended last week, regulators released new rules affecting Ant’s businesses and summoned Ma to Beijing for a rare meeting on Monday. The IPO was suspended the next day.Within China, state-run media have highlighted Ant’s failures to comply with regulatory requirements while showcasing the government’s strong market supervision mechanisms and risk controls to protect consumers. In a commentary dated late Tuesday, the party-backed Economic Daily said suspending the IPO showed that “every link of the capital market has perfect rules and serious supervision methods.”“It’s understandable from the regulatory perspective and it is still a better outcome for investors than facing a black-swan event immediately after the listing,” said Lv Changshun, an analyst at Beijing Zhonghe Yingtai Management Consultant Co. “Policymakers can tolerate innovation, but that should not be at the cost of a systemic financial risk. Avoiding that risk is an important foundation to push forward more capital market reforms.”China Accelerates Capital Market Reform to Counter Virus, U.S.Ant’s IPO prospectus was a bigger contributor to the timing of China’s moves than Ma’s speech in Shanghai, according to Gao Zhikai, a former Chinese diplomat and former China policy adviser for the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Once regulators saw that Ant could do things that were off limits to commercial lenders, he said, “someone rang the bell and brought it to the attention of the regulators.”“Traditional financial institutions, banks in particular, would probably welcome this decision when the dust settles,” he said. “It also does not create a regulatory disadvantage to Ant Group. It reminds Ant they need to treat certain parts of its operation as a commercial bank.”Growing ScrutinyChinese authorities have been stepping up oversight of private companies for several years. In 2018, the central bank identified Ant and other firms as financial holding companies, putting them under increased scrutiny because of their growing role in the nation’s money flows and financial plumbing.That same year, regulators seized Anbang Insurance Group Co., which symbolized the recent era of mega-acquisitive Chinese companies, and imprisoned its former chairman for fraud. HNA Group Co. and Tomorrow Holding Co. were later taken over by the state or broken up, while China Evergrande Group in September is to have warned of a potential cash crunch that could pose systemic risks to China.Ostentatious and blunt, Ma is perhaps China’s most well-known entrepreneur in the communist nation. The globe-trotting tycoon is a special adviser to the United Nations, has debated Elon Musk on international forums, and is a regulator at annual Davos gatherings. He’s created two multi-hundred-billion dollar companies and has labeled himself a champion for the little guy and small businesses.On Wednesday, however, posts on Chinese social-media platforms were largely unsympathetic toward Ma. One anonymous Weibo poster wrote “if you don’t go out looking for trouble, trouble won’t find you.” Another quipped that “it’s time for Jack Ma to wake up, listen often and speak less.”Despite Ma’s public dressing down and the reputational blow to China’s markets, many investors are still optimistic about Ant’s IPO. Higher liquidity requirements would hit sentiment, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing for a listing that saw shares selling for a 50% premium in gray-market trading ahead of the IPO.Ram Parameswaran, founder of San Francisco-based Octahedron Capital Management, a hedge fund that holds shares in Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and is planning to invest in the Ant IPO, saw the suspension as positive to stamp the speculation in the stock. Shares of Alibaba, which owns a third of Ant, fell 7.5% in Hong Kong, the most since its debut in the city last year.“What’s clear to me is that the lending business will grow slower over the next few years,” Parameswaran said. “That in the larger scheme of things is net positive for the sector and Ant. Steady growth is good.”‘Strings Pulled’For global investors, however, the episode is likely to reinforce the notion that the party calls all the shots when it comes to major business decisions — and any opening measures will be carefully calibrated for the impact on the Communist Party. That could be all the more important in the years ahead as China seeks to develop its own core technologies in the face of growing pressure from the U.S., which is likely to continue no matter who ends up the winner of Tuesday’s election.“This sends a signal to the major tech players not to get too big for their britches and that the party is still in charge,” said Kendra Schaefer, head of digital research at the Trivium China consultancy in Beijing. “Internationally, however, moves like this do very little to alleviate concerns that tech companies going out are not having their strings pulled by Beijing.”(Updates with CSRC statement in 10th paragraph)For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

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Content Originally Published by Google.


Should You Hire Social Media Influencers to Promote Your Work?

Illustration for article titled Should You Hire Social Media Influencers to Promote Your Work?
Photo: Monster Ztudio (Shutterstock)

As appealing as “being your own boss” may sound, in reality, working for yourself means you’re the only one responsible for facing one challenge after another—especially when you’re first starting out. Whether you own your own business or are a freelancer or independent contractor/gig worker, part of your workload will involve promoting yourself and your work. And given that most people don’t have a background or experience in marketing, advertising, or public relations, this is something you’ll have to put significant work into.

But advertising and marketing don’t look like they used to—and we’re not just talking about the Mad Men era of the 1960s. While print, TV, radio, and ads on websites are still very much in use today, consider the rise of a new type of marketing that uses “regular” people with large social media followings to make consumers aware of (and ideally interested in) a variety of products and services. But is social media influencer marketing actually worth it? And if so, how do you go about finding and vetting one? Here’s what you need to know.

What does social media influencer marketing involve?

In 2020, social influencer marketing certainly isn’t new, and it doesn’t appear to be going away any time soon. In fact, a report by Business Insider indicated that it’s likely to become $15 billion industry by 2022. And while celebrities frequently double as social media influencers and get paid to promote their “favorite” products, most people starting out working for themselves won’t have the capital to have someone famous serve as a social spokesperson.

Instead, these business owners target people who are not otherwise famous beyond social media (except maybe in their specific area of expertise), but have substantial influence over their followers. In exchange for some type of fee—in the form of actual payment, discounts, donations made to charities, or other perks—these influencers will post about and talk up your work. But is it worth the investment? Let’s take a look.

How much does social media influencer marketing cost?

Unsurprisingly, it depends on a variety of factors, including the number of followers a person has, as well as the fee structure (more on that in a minute) and the frequency of their posts. According to Geoff Crain, the digital director of Kingstar Media, a standard rate is $100 for every 10,000 followers. So, an influencer with 50,000 followers would be paid $500 for creating text, images, and videos and posting that content on their social media channels.

The rate can also depend on the social media platform in question, Oleg Donets, founder and chief marketing officer of, explains. Noting that different influencers come at different costs, he says that the standard pricing per post in the industry is $20-$30 per 1,000 followers on Facebook platform, $10-$15 per 1,000 followers on Instagram platform and $20-$30 per 1,000 subscribers on YouTube platform.

And, as Joshua Carter, director of digital and social marketing at Tunheim, points out, social media influencer marketing doesn’t necessarily need to cost a lot. “In my experience, influencer marketing can be done efficiently and effectively with smaller budgets, or can be done in bigger ways if there is more budget,” says Carter, who has more than 15 years of experience in influencer and celebrity partnerships, including launching Chrissy Teigen’s “Cravings” kitchen collection at Target.

Plus, according to Carter, the beauty of today’s influencers is that they’re also “content engines and creators,” meaning that in some cases you’ll be able to get your product shot and featured in a more cost effective way than a full-blown ad campaign.

What does the fee structure look like?

Like traditional celebrity brand partnerships, most social media influencers are paid a flat fee and operate via contract work, Carter explains. These contracts typically involve a one-year licensing agreement, according to Crain, during which the influencer produces images and video content to be used across brands.

Other fee structures used in the influencer marketing space include ppp (pay-per-post), ppc (pay-per-click), ppv (pay-per-view), ppe (pay-per-engagement), and cpa (cost-per-acquisition), Donets says. Payment for these models is calculated per a single post based on hard numbers like amount of followers/subscribers, clicks, views, etc.

What about return on investment?

Even if the costs of hiring a social media influencer can be kept relatively low, Carter says that it’s important to do your homework and look at data to formulate the potential return on investment (ROI) and other key performance indicators (KPIs) to make sure you’re not overpaying. Part of that includes taking the type of payment into consideration (monetary fees, donations, other products/perks, etc.).

Like the payments themselves, ROI can take multiple forms. As an example, according to Crain it’s “very rare” that a post by a social media influencer that includes a “swipe up to purchase” component will lead to a profitable return for the advertiser. Instead, he says that influencer content is best to use across paid social initiatives in the form of user-generated content—for instance, as an affordable alternative to a full video shoot. “For only a few hundred dollars, small businesses can use influencers to generate content that they can leverage across their website, social media, and paid digital initiatives,” Crain explains.

Given that no two programs or campaigns are the same—and there are so many factors that go into influencer engagement performance and traffic metrics—Carter says that ROI ultimately comes down to how a brand partners with an influencer. This means more homework ahead of a partnership; taking the time to understand a social media influencer’s engagement in terms of the average number of likes, comments and/or shares on their posts; whether their audience cares about their content; and whether they have the ability to drive traffic to a specific destination for the campaign.

If you’re looking for a way to test or prove ROI, Carter suggests providing influencers with customized links or special promo codes to help determine whether their content is making impact.

How do you find and vet social media influencers?

Generally, there are three main ways to find social media influencers in a particular niche, Donets explains. One involves hiring an agency that specializes in influencer marketing. Another is using platforms like or that connect influencers with businesses.

But assuming that you’re starting small and may not have the budget for the first two options, you can take a more traditional (and cost-effective) route and do your own searches on Google and/or the social media platform of your choice (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), Donet says. Here are some specific strategies for finding and vetting potential social medial influencers:

Narrow your search

Before you dive in, it’s helpful to know what—or in this case, who—exactly you’re looking for. Andy Vale, head of content at Infinity, a call intelligence platform, suggests starting by asking yourself what you’re selling and who you’re trying to sell it to before starting your search.

Look at their engagement rate

Even without fancy software, Crain says it’s entirely possible to look at an influencer’s engagement rate. To do this, look at the number of comments an influencer has on their posts, relative to their following. “Those with 2.5% -5% engagement rates indicate that their followers are engaged with their posts,” he explains. “Anything less than this will indicate otherwise.”

Analyze an influencer’s audience

Once you have a certain influencer in mind, it’s time to take a closer look at their audience. According to Vale, the easiest way to do this (which also happens to be free) is by manually scrolling though their followers and attempting to determine which accounts appear to be genuine and which are potential bots. One way to do this is to look at their engagements. Are their responses specific? To use Vale’s example: “that’s an incredible jumper, I love the blue bits!” is a lot more telling than something vague like “WOW! great product!” The latter could be an indication the response has been automated and the follower isn’t a real person.

Reach out

If you’re considering particular influencers for your marketing campaign, Crain recommends getting in touch with them via a direct message to their social media profile. Or, if they’ve included their email address in their bio, you can send requests that way, too (that’s probably why the email address is there in the first place).

Make sure it’s a match

In today’s space, Carter says that it’s not enough to work with just any influencer—it’s important that a brand partners with individuals with a similar audience and whom believe in the same things. “If the casting and partnership is too much of a stretch, audiences will see right through it and lose trust in the brand,” he explains.

To help determine whether an influencer is a good match for you and your brand, Vale recommends considering the following:

  • Is this someone you’d want to be selling your product in your store or at an event?
  • Are they already working with other brands, and if so, how are those posts performing?
  • Based on their other posts, would you be happy if your product was featured in those photos?
  • Does this person’s values seem to match your brand’s?

Sure, you can give an influencer some guidelines, but you don’t want to alter their style or tone too much—otherwise the partnership won’t work for either of you, Vale says. “Doing this research now will save hassle later,” he adds.

So, are social media influencers worth it?

Carter, Crain, and Vale each see value in social media influencer marketing. “Influencers know their audiences, can bring products to life in new and creative ways,” Carter says. “And they do it quickly—especially given the changes brands have had to make because of Covid restrictions.” Another benefit, he notes, is that paying influencers to promote you or your brand ensures that you get exactly what you want out of the partnership, including that “your product or story is told correctly, and there are no surprises.”

Meanwhile, Crain points to the fact that working with social media influencers can be a great way to generate content for a brand at an affordable price, and in a way that comes across as authentic and organic, showing consumers real-life examples of people who use their products.

Finally, Vale says that the longer-term brand building that comes with a smart influencer strategy is where their real value can lie. “Get this right and you’ll gradually be organically embedded within the culture and can start to lead within it,” he explains. “This is what major brands such as Red Bull have spent years doing, but there’s no reason you can’t become central to a local artistic community, carve out a space in a specific online fanbase, or [find] any other niche by working with (and then becoming) trusted voices in those spaces.”

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

Content Originally Published by Google.


Eran Pehan Named Director of Planning Development and Innovation

At a Missoula City Council meeting on Wednesday, Eran Pehan was named the director of a new amalgam of city services called Community Planning, Development and Innovation.

Pehan said the correlation between the different services will bring more efficiency to the development process in Missoula.

“One of the outcomes of that work was identifying the very strong mission alignment between what is today Housing and Community Development and our goals around ensuring everyone in Missoula has a place to call home, and development services which is charged with really ensuring quality, growth and development in our community today,” said Pehan.

With the challenges Missoula faces regarding the availability of land for new housing, Pehan said developers will have to face some new realities.

“We have areas in our community that make good sense for residential development,” she said. However, when we identify those areas, we need to probably build at a density higher than what we are accustomed to, and higher than what we might be initially comfortable with right now.”

She said that zoning will have a lot to do with creating new neighborhoods in Missoula.

“We’re seeing with a lot of rezoning processes,” she said. “The difficulty with that in the community is the struggle to figure out how we do that in a way that we feel it protects our character and protects what we envisioned Missoula to be.”

Pehan said there will be a relearning process as more people move into the Missoula valley requiring more homes to be built.

“I won’t lie that those conversations are difficult and are going to continue to be difficult,” she said. “But at the end of the day, if Missoula doesn’t grow, Missoula is not going to be a place for everyone anymore. It’s going to be a place for a select few who can afford to remain here. And I think that is so counter to our value as Missoula being a place that provides opportunity for everyone. I think folks are ready to have that conversation. They’re ready to figure out how as a community, we balance values and how we remain a place where everybody has an opportunity to thrive.”

The new department combines the four areas traditionally tasked with community development.


Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

Content Originally Published by Google.


Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market by Trends, Dynamic Innovation in Technology and Key Players| TEKTRONIX, PokitMeter, Hantek, Good Will Instruments, ZTEC Instruments, Fluke, Yokogawa Electric, Teledyne LeCroy, Rohde & Schwarz, and More?

DataIntelo, one of the world’s prominent market research firms has released a new report on Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market. The report contains crucial insights on the market which will support the clients to make the right business decisions. This research will help both existing and new aspirants for Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market to figure out and study market needs, market size, and competition. The report talks about the supply and demand situation, the competitive scenario, and the challenges for market growth, market opportunities, and the threats faced by key players.

The report also includes the impact of ongoing global crisis i.e. COVID-19 on the Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market and what the future holds for it. The published report is designed using a vigorous and thorough research methodology and DataIntelo is also known for its data accuracy and granular market reports.

You can buy the report @

A complete analysis of the competitive scenario of the Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market is depicted by the report. The report has a vast amount of data about the recent product and technological developments in the markets. It has a wide spectrum of analysis regarding the impact of these advancements on the market’s future growth, wide-range of analysis of these extensions on the market’s future growth.

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market report tracks the data since 2015 and is one of the most detailed reports. It also contains data varying according to region and country. The insights in the report are easy to understand and include pictorial representations. These insights are also applicable in real-time scenarios.

Request Free Sample Report @

Components such as market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities for Digital Storage Oscilloscopes are explained in detail. Since the research team is tracking the data for the market from 2015, therefore any additional data requirement can be easily fulfilled.

Some of the prominent companies that are covered in this report:

Good Will Instruments
ZTEC Instruments
Yokogawa Electric
Teledyne LeCroy
Rohde & Schwarz

*Note: Additional companies can be included on request

The industry looks to be fairly competitive. To analyze any market with simplicity the market is fragmented into segments, such as its product type, application, technology, end-use industry, etc. Segmenting the market into smaller components helps in understanding the dynamics of the market with more clarity. Data is represented with the help of tables and figures that consist of a graphical representation of the numbers in the form of histograms, bar graphs, pie charts, etc. Another key component that is included in the report is the regional analysis to assess the global presence of the Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market.

Following is the gist of segmentation:

By Application:

Electronics & Electricals
IT & Telecommunication
Power & Energy

By Type:


By Geographical Regions

Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, and Rest of Asia Pacific
Europe: Germany, the UK, France, and Rest of Europe
North America: The US, Mexico, and Canada
Latin America: Brazil and Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa: GCC Countries and Rest of Middle East & Africa

You can also go for a yearly subscription of all the updates on the Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market.

Reasons you should buy this report:

  • DataIntelo is keeping a track of the market since 2015 and has blended the necessary historical data & analysis in the research report.
  • It also provides a complete assessment of the expected behavior about the future market and changing market scenario.
  • Making an informed business decision. This report offers several strategic business methodologies to support you in making those decisions.
  • Industry experts and research analysts have worked extensively to prepare the research report which will help you to give that extra edge in the competitive market.
  • The Digital Storage Oscilloscopes market research report can be customized according to you to your needs. This means that DataIntelo can cover a particular product, application, or a company can provide a detailed analysis in the report. You can also purchase a separate report for a specific region.

Below is the TOC of the report:

Executive Summary

Assumptions and Acronyms Used

Research Methodology

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Overview

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Supply Chain Analysis

Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Pricing Analysis

Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast by Type

Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast by Application

Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast by Sales Channel

Global Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast by Region

North America Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast

Latin America Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast

Europe Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast

Asia Pacific Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast

Middle East & Africa Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Market Analysis and Forecast

Competition Landscape

If you have any questions on this report, please reach out to us @

About DataIntelo:

DataIntelo has a vast experience in designing tailored market research reports in various industry verticals. We also have an urge to provide complete client satisfaction. We cover in-depth market analysis, which consists of producing lucrative business strategies for the new entrants and the emerging players of the market. We make sure that each report goes through intensive primary, secondary research, interviews, and consumer surveys before final dispatch. Our company provides market threat analysis, market opportunity analysis, and deep insights into the current market scenario.

We invest in our analysts to ensure that we have a full roster of experience and expertise in any field we cover. Our team members are selected for stellar academic records, specializations in technical fields, and exceptional analytical and communication skills. We also offer ongoing training and knowledge sharing to keep our analysts tapped into industry best practices and loaded with information.

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CA 91764, United States.
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Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

Content Originally Published by Google.


These Are 38 Best Search Engine Optimization Tools For 2021 (infographic) / Digital Information World

You will agree with me when I say that Google’s algorithms are hard to impress! And they are constantly changing! So even if you are following the best practices, the fluctuations in the algorithms can significantly impact your site and page rankings.

Fortunately, there are several SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools that are available to help you track the latest updates and assess whether or not your SEO efforts are up to the mark.

In this regard, Grazitti Interactive puts together a comprehensive Infographic, highlighting a wide range of SEO tools. Here are some of the key insights from their research.

Keyword Research Tools

When it comes to keyword research tools, SEMrush tops the charts with 5 million users and 18 billion keywords. It enables the users to get a deeper look at their competitor’s website and analyze keywords accordingly.

1. SEMrush

2. KW Finder by Mangools

3. Ubersuggest

4. Answer the Public

5. Ahrefs

6. Keyword Tool

7. The HOTH

Content Optimization Tools

Content Optimization Tools refer to software that enables users to find the right keywords and measure the success of their existing content. These tools make sure that your webpage is properly optimized along with ways to improve.

According to the research, the top content optimization tools include:

1. Surfer

2. SEO Meta in 1 Click

3. Rank Math

4. Yoast

5. Clearscope

6. Can I Rank?

7. Page Speed Insights

8. Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tools

Site Enhancement Tools

With over 1.7 billion registered websites on the World Wide Web, it is imperative that you enhance each aspect of your site to make it stand out from the crowd. This simply means that apart from the content – your site should feature high-quality images, a fast loading page, links to ‘accurate’ pages, and a user experience like no other.

Some tools to help you out in this regard include:

1. Broken Link Checker

2. ImageOptim

3. Kraken

4. Cloudflare

SEO Analysis Tool

As we mentioned above, Google’s algorithm change at the speed of light. To keep up with the latest trend, we suggest running an search engine optimization audit on a regular basis to make sure your website is updated. With the help of these tools, you will not only analyze how the SEO efforts for the specific site are but also the performance and traffic. They will also point out any errors that may be causing a decline in your SEO performance, along with tips to fix them.

Some top tools for this purpose are:

1. Website Grader

2. MOZ SEO Toolbar

3. Google Search Console

Penalty Research Tools

This category contains:

1. The Panguin Tool

2. Remove em

The Panguin Tool is a free tool that focuses on the fact whether your website has been impacted by Google algorithm or not. In general, marketers turn towards this tool if the ranking of their page suddenly drops to check if a recent Google update has caused the change.

Remove em is responsible for identifying links – broken ones, bad ones, and if there are many of them.

Link Building Tools

Some of the best link building tools suggested by Grazitti Interactive:

1. Ahrefs

2. Ninja Outreach

3. Pitch Box

SEO Analytics and Tracking Tools

To track your campaigns and keep an eye on the metrics, try the tools below:

1. Improvely

2. Google Analytics

3. Clicky

Local SEO Tools

Local SEO is a strategy to make your website more ‘findable’ for the local searchers.

1. Local Citation Finder

2. Local SEO Checklist

3. Google Rich Snippet Validator

4. MOZ

5. Call Fire

Agency Building Tools

To become more productive and streamline your operations, Grazitti Interactive suggests using:

1. SalesForce for CRM

2. Close

3. Click Funnels

For more information about the tools, check out the infographic below, and streamline your search engine optimization efforts as per Google’s expectations. 

Do you need Digital Marketing or Digital Transformation help in your company? Know how we can help you or your company succeed in the Digital Era. Access our website, know more about our services, and get in touch! We are an amazing Digital Marketing Agency, with high technical skills to make you thrive! JSA Digital

Content Originally Published by Google.


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Premier Li Keqiang visits Origin Dynamics Intelligent Robot Co Ltd, a company focusing on research and development, during an inspectio...